Steve 分享
2023 年 2 月 28 日
Build a static blog with Apple style-Astro
I happened to see @austin2035 on the Astro blog written by the big guy, and for a while I felt that the face was durable and there was a familiar fruity smell, which was very good. The idea is to build a blog of your own.
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Steve :
Start building
- First go to the big guy’s github and Fork the project. Project address:
2.Change the project name to Actually xxx is your username, as shown below, the username is zxfccmm that is
Then click Create.3.Then you will get to the following screen, we create a new file and click Add file - Create new file
Create a new file
in your project’s .github/workflows/
directory and paste the following YAML configuration information.
“ .github/workflows/deploy.yml ```name: Github Pages Astro CI
# Trigger this "workflow" every time you push to the `main` branch
# If you are using another branch name, replace `main` with your branch name as needed
branches: [ main ]
# Allows you to manually trigger this "workflow" in the Actions tab on GitHub
# Allow the job to clone the repo and create a page deployment
contents: read
pages: write
id-token: write
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout your repository using git
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install, build, and upload your site
uses: withastro/action@v0
needs: build
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: github-pages
url: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.page_url }}
- name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
id: deployment
uses: actions/deploy-pages@v1
4.Next we click Settings - Pages - Source and select Github Actions
After waiting for a while the following screen will appear, use
to access the blog home pageOf course you can also set your own domain name, set your own domain name in the Custom domain, don’t forget to add your domain name DNS CNAME to
xxx(your username)
You also need to add the CNAME file in the following location
5.Then we can get the following blog home page, which is already available.
Deploy using other methods
You can refer to the official tutorial in great detail.
Customize it to your blog
|-- astro.config.mjs
|-- package.json
|-- public
| |-- favicon.svg
| `-- static
|-- src
| |-- components
| | |-- BaseHead.astro // common <head> tags
| | |-- Footer.astro
| | |-- Header.astro
| | `-- Navigation.astro
| |-- consts.js
| |-- env.d.ts
| |-- layouts
| | |-- BaseLayout.astro
| | |-- MarkdownPost.astro
| | |-- MoreTile.astro
| | `-- Tile.astro
| |-- pages
| | |-- about.astro
| | |-- archive.astro
| | |-- index.astro
| | |-- posts
| | | |-- some markdown // 这里写文章
| | |-- rss.xml.js // RSS feed
| | `-- tags
| | `-- [tag].astro // dynamic route of all posts with a given tag
| |-- styles
| | `-- global.css // global styles
| `-- utils.js
Above is the file structure of the blog
Posting articles
You need to upload the Markdown file on Posts
Customize your blog
The path is
archive.astro We can modify the tags of the article
about.astro set your about page
The path is
export const SITE_TITLE = `Austin's Blog`;
export const SITE_DESCRIPTION = 'Austin Site Description';
export const SITE_EMAIL = ''
export const SITE_NAME = '';
export const SITE_URL = "";
The path is
Footer.astro can modify the footer
At this point, it’s a working blog.
作者: Steve 发表日期:2023 年 2 月 28 日